FUNDASUR is recognized as an Administration Unit (UA) of subsidies granted to researchers in the Region, by the ANPCyT , through the funds granted by the Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCyT) and is registered in the Registry of Organizations of Scientific and Technological Entities with No. 1020-0 (Res. SeCTIP No. 015/03), which allows to import equipment intended exclusively for scientific use under special tax conditions.
Additionally, FUNDASUR has been selected as an Administrative Unit for International Grants given by institutions such as the IAI (Interamerican Institute for Global Change Research) and TRF (The Resource Foundation). These grants involve greater complexity since they involve the participation of research institutions from several countries and require special monitoring due to the conditions established by the grantors.
In its role as UVT, FUNDASUR administers grants, technological services and other funds from researchers from CONICET and the National University of the South, among others. Recently, the Foundation has been recognized by the CIC to administer grants from that institution, which represents a new challenge.